Swimming pool hygiene
Ebben a kategóriában az uszodahigiéniához szükséges készítmények találhatók. A megfelelő higiénia megléte létfontosságú minden létesítmény esetében, az intézmény jellemvonásaitól függetlenül, hiszen sok mindent elárulhat annak üzemeltetőjéről és a szolgáltatás minőségéről egyaránt.
Legyen szó étteremről, hotelről, szállodáról, egyéb vendéglátóipari egységről, ipari létesítményről, szociális intézményről, nagyüzemi konyháról vagy akár uszodáról, a makulátlan tisztaság egy olyan alapvető tulajdonság, amely az egészséges környezet kialakításához is hozzájárul. Így a megfelelő uszodahigiénia szem előtt tartása elengedhetetlen!
Our company is in the field of swimming pool hygiene
A swimming pool is an environment where, thanks to moisture and high humidity, a lot of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens can easily multiply if left unattended. So if you contribute to the cleanliness of your environment by using a good quality cleaner, you don’t have to worry about your guests feeling uncomfortable in that particular facility.
Nowadays, health is becoming the greatest value, so we must not forget that one chooses the place we want to visit based on the cleanliness and healthiness of the environment.
Our company knows what you may need depending on the nature of the institution. Thanks to our wide range of products, we are able to meet emerging needs. We have nearly a hundred quality products, we provide professional cleaning machines, and you can also get additional cleaning tools from us, so you can get everything you need in one place.
Be it in the areas of facility hygiene, needs in the areas of kitchen hygiene, washroom hygiene, industrial hygiene and textile hygiene. We are able to meet your needs in every way.
The Maya family of cleaners and the cleanliness of the floor
Maya Clean alcoholic floor and surface cleaner is able to effectively clean PVC, laminate and cold coverings. It provides a high cleaning effect with fast and stain-free drying. However, it leaves a pleasant scent after use. No rinsing is required during use, it is necessary to mix with water in a ratio of 0.25-1% in terms of dilution. Available in 1 and 5 liter packs.
Maya Shine was also born to keep floors and surfaces clean, however, it can be used to keep all washable hard surfaces clean, be it glass, plastic or marble. In addition to the strong cleaning effect, it provides shiny surfaces and dries without stains. Suitable for both manual and machine cleaning and can be used without rinsing. For dilution, proceed in the same way as for the Maya Clean mentioned above. You can also buy it in 1 and 5 liter versions.
Maya Strong and Maya Dez
The third member of the Maya family is the Maya Strong, which is ruthless against dirt on the floor surfaces, intensively cleansing and leaves a citrus scent. It effectively treats greasy, oily dirt deposited on sidewalks and leaves brilliant, fragrant surfaces behind. Both 1 and 5 liter versions can be used for machine cleaning.
Maya Dez is a disinfectant chlorine-containing cleaner that is suitable for cleaning toilets, drains and drains, as well as bathtubs, washbasins and kitchen utensils. It can also be used for disinfection, it also helps to remove mold and wash textiles.